Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy Bbq and Fireworks Day!! and Happy Birthday to my firstborn, Jen!

I really do wish our great country happy birthday and I say a LOUD and PROUD THANK YOU to those who throughout our history served to make our country what it is today...FREE. I want to say to all those currently serving in our armed forces that we owe you a debt. We all do, whether we agree with where you are serving or why we are there, you are our heroes. You are the ones who make the ultimate sacrifice and I salute you!

Also, Jen, I am proud of you and wish you a great day. Of course, I still think someone counted wrong because there is no way I am old enough to have a 23 yr old daughter. You are a joy to your parents and I rejoice that you strive to glorify God in your daily life. Love ya!

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