Sunday, February 17, 2008

It's written in the clouds!

Tonight, after a long, hard, exasperating, disheartening day, I decided to take a walk in the cool of the evening. As I was just about to end my stroll, I looked up and was greeted by low lying, thin clouds rushing across the sky like a teenage boy late for his first date. It was then that the Lord brought this thought to my mind, "It's over." My day was done and all the frustration was over. What a glorious thought! The people who I allowed to dampen my day, the experiences that were less than enjoyable, the struggles I had dealt with were now done. Sure, I will have to deal with some of these people again, and yes, some of the struggles will reappear, but, for now, it's over. I can lay my head on my soft pillow and rest. Thank you, God, for bringing me through another day, and thanks for the message in the clouds!

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