Saturday, August 27, 2005

Ok, can someone explain something to me? At 5:30 this morning, there were a half dozen or so, senior citizens at Hardees. Why? Do older folks have to get up at unnatural hours of the day and congregate at fast food restaurants? Is that what I will have to look forward to , MANY YEARS from Before you say anything. I was at Harde's because I had just finished working. Trust me, if my middle-aged body had been in bed anytime before the rooster started crowing, you would be looking in vain if you searched fast food restaurants at 5:30am.

Ok, on a more serious note, I want to thank God and my mother for the way I was raised. I was blessed to have been shielded from the lure of drugs and alcohol. Having very little contact with those things as a kid and especially as a teen made it all that much easier to avoid falling into substance abuse as an adult. For the last two days, I have been doing some floor work at a women's reap center. I had a chance to talk, or actually listen to some of the women there. Most are so grateful for the reap. One lady said that if Serenity Place was not there, she knew she would have been somewhere high and strung out. Another woman told us that she had been addicted to meth for 12 years. Most of the women were under the age of 30, one was turning 21 Saturday. Many of them expressed how they couldn't believe what they had done to their bodies. Now clean, and working on staying that way, they could see that what sober people worked hard to avoid, like caustic chemicals, they had lapped up like sweet ice cream.

Well, I am heading to the bed. Talk to y'all later.

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